The One-Stop-Shop for all Pipe-Jacking Solutions.
We excel in laying of sewerage and wastewater pipelines using Japanese Pipe-Jacking Technology with compact working sites, enabling minimum disturbance to the community we work in.
What is Pipe-Jacking?
Pipe Jacking technology is a type of Microtunelling which generally refers to installing of low diameter (200mm to 600mm) pipes underground without excavating trenches.
This method of installing pipes underground involves the excavation of two shafts with the required depth of the client, with a minimum of 50m apart, reinforcing the shaft with RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) shafts, lowering of a Pipe Jacking Machine into one of the shafts (jacking shaft), drilling a cutterhead through the shaft wall into the soil and subsequently pushing in pipes behind the cutterhead until it reaches the other shaft (receiving shaft). This eliminates the need to do excavations on the road disturbing a busy street or a city area.
Construction of Jacking and Receiving Shafts
Reinforced Concrete rings of height 1.2m are used as shoring and are sunk into excavated pits with the required depth. Rings are stacked and interlocked on top of each other till the required height is achieved, to create the Jacking/ Receiving Shaft. Any height deficit lesser than 1m is compensated by filling with bricks and mortar.
A layer of screed concrete is added below the invert level to provide a solid surface for the Pipe Jacking Machine to rest on.
Dewatering is constantly carried out while light fixtures, ladders, ventilation blowers, gas meters and other utilities are added to achieve a comfortable and safe work environment for the Jacking Operator and Helpers.
A step-by-step brief of how we conduct Pipe-Jacking in our unique methodology while achieving all the above-mentioned advantages is discussed below.
Installation of Jacking Items
The following items are then prepped and lowered into the Jacking Shaft:
Jacking base plate
Thrust plate
Pipe-Jacking Machine
Jacking Control Computer
The team then sets up the cables, hydraulic and water hosing to the surface where the powerful HY-SANWA Hydraulic Powerpack and Water Jetter are connected.
Pipe Jacking
Augers are placed inside Auger Casings, which are in turn placed in the Vitrified Clay Jacking Pipe and lowered into the shaft where the team proceeds to jack it into the soil through the previously manually bored shaft wall.
Vitrified Clay Jacking Pipes are continuously added by the ground support team in perfect sync with the Jacking team to efficiently carry out the Jacking works until the cutterhead reaches the Receiving shaft with a completed sewer section trailing behind it.
Manhole Construction
Finally, if required by the Client, a RC Manhole Shaft is lowered into the Jacking/Receiving Shafts abiding by the Client’s specifications and a manhole is constructed, complete with a cover.
If the Client does not require a manhole, that shaft will be backfilled with the proper materials.